Dear recipient,
Please accept our best regards and deepest condolences for recent events.
If you are reading this letter, you have most likely developed magical affinity and experienced a rapid transformation into a common housecat. Please do not panic – this is known to happen, and is in fact relatively common, in humans from ages six to 40!
Find contained a brochure explaining everything you will need to know about the realm of Magicatdom – which you, dear reader, are now a part of. Shortly after receiving this letter, expect to be visited by agents of the DHA (Department of Human Affairs), who will help you register your identity and begin your new life. They are likely your neighborhood street-cats.
While registration with the Royal Magicat Government is mandatory, if you wish, you may continue your life as a human unimpeded, perhaps even taking up a position as a species liaison. Or, you may choose to practice magic at any of our wonderful establishments and begin a new journey. Whatever you decide, rest assured that your horizons have now been broadened to include a wonderful new world. The realm of Magicatdom awaits you.
Signed, the grand Haeccity ~ Merlin’s Landing, NY
A Magicat is the same as a housecat. This is to say that all housecats are magical, and all cats are a part of magicatdom—yes, even your Fluffykins.
Magicats are descended from magicians who fled the witch hunts of the 15th century. At the time, western magicians were a small minority distributed around Europe, the Levant, and parts of North Africa. Magicians were persecuted minorities in every part of the world, and often faced death, torture, imprisonment, or worse when discovered. In order to travel, form covens, and practice magic undetected, they would often take the form of their most prized familiars—their cats.
Fearing further persecution and the loss of the ancient art of magic, magicians decided to flee the oppressive regimes of men once and for all. Under the leadership of Merlin of Magicats, ships bound for the New World departed from a harbor in Brittany and landed on the banks of the Hudson River. It was here that Merlin of Magicats established The Veil, a legendary spell that cleaved Magicatdom and Humandom in two.
Magicatdom lies under the surface of Humandom—your world—and operates just as human establishments do. The Royal Magicat Government, established on the island of Merlin’s Landing, oversees all affairs, and the Government-sponsored Network For Human Management ensures that Humandom and Magicatdom continue to exist in harmony.
This website is your guide and introduction to the Magicat world. Magicatdom is relatively continuous with the borders of the human countries "United States of America" and "Canada". Magicians around the world, some returning to their ancestors' countries of origin, have enacted similar spells and countries to hide from human persecution, but Magicatdom proudly remains the only country in the world for Magicats.
To read about any featured topics, including "History of Magicatdom", please navigate to the sidebar and choose the page that most interests you.
The Train System
The Indigo Line
The Royal Chariot
Merlin's Landing
The Imperial Circuit
Network for Human Management
Magicat Chicago
The Cat's Tail
Guide to Magic
Grodshire Magicadamy
Yancy Yale Magicadamy
The Royal Magicat Armed Forces